What is Recycled on Campus?
The types of recyclables listed directly below may be placed in recycling bins and larger totes labeled “Mixed Recyclables” in dorms and academic buildings:
Plastic Containers (Includes: plastic bottles, jugs, jars, tubs, take-out containers, iced coffee cups, yogurt containers, and egg cartons)
Glass Containers (Includes: glass jars and bottles)
Metal Cans and Foil (Includes: aluminum foil and pans, empty aerosol cans, and tin cans)
Cartons (Includes: milk cartons, juice cartons, soup cartons, and juice boxes)
Mixed Paper (Includes: newspapers, envelopes, office paper, spiral notebooks, egg cartons, wrapping paper, paperback books, food boxes, mail, paper bags, magazines, and paper towel tubes)

The types of recyclables listed below are other types of items that may be recycled in the Accino recycling center (top photo below) or the Lower Slavin recycling center (lower photo below). These recyclables may also be sent via inter-office mail or directly brought to Harkins LL18.
- Computer Hard DrivesĀ
- Monitors
- Cardboard
- Keyboards and Mouse’s
- Printer Cartridges
- CD’s/DVD’s
- Floppy Disks
- Televisions
- Printers
- VHS Tapes
Office of Environmental Health and Safety
- Fax MachinesĀ
- Batteries and Chargers
- Typewriters
- Film/Transparencies
- Telephones
- Cell Phones
- Magnetic Tape
- Packing Peanuts
- Fluorescent Lights
- Electronic Ballasts